function(trigger,action,config){var $target = jQuery( this ), offset = $target.offset(), target_w = $target.outerWidth(), target_h = $target.outerHeight(), $element = $target, sameImage = ( config.url && $element.attr( 'src' ) && $element.attr( 'src' ) === config.url ) || ( && $element.attr( 'data-id' ) && $element.attr( 'data-id' ) == ); if ( ) { $fullSize = jQuery( "#tcb-image-zoom-" + + " img" ); if ( $fullSize.length ) { $element = $fullSize; } } /* If it is the same img but set from Anim&Action work like Open full size image on click*/ if ( ! sameImage || ( sameImage && config.sizeChanged ) ) { if ( ) { $element = jQuery( "#tcb-image-zoom-" + + " img" ) } else if ( $element.find( "img" ).length ) { $element = $element.find( "img" ) } } $element = $element.first(); var imageSrc = $element.attr( "data-opt-src" ) || $element.attr( "src" ), imgAlt = $target.attr( 'alt' ) || '', $lightbox = jQuery( '#tve_zoom_lightbox' ), $overlay = jQuery( '#tve_zoom_overlay' ), windowWidth = window.innerWidth, windowHeight = window.innerHeight, img_size = $ "tve-zoom-clone" ), resizeScale = windowWidth < 600 ? 0.8 : 0.9; if ( imageSrc.indexOf( 'data:image' ) !== - 1 && $element.attr( 'data-src' ) ) { imageSrc = $element.attr( 'data-src' ); } /** * Force lazy load of the image */ if ( window.lazySizes ) { lazySizes.loader.unveil( $element[ 0 ] ); } if ( typeof img_size === 'undefined' ) { var $clone = $element.clone() .css( { position: "absolute", width: "", height: "", left: "-8000px", top: "-8000px" } ).removeAttr( "width height" ); $clone.appendTo( "body" ); /** * `.one()` ensures this will not get executed multiple times. */ $ 'load', function () { var $parent = $element.parent(), height = parseFloat( $element.attr( 'data-init-height' ) ) || parseFloat( $element.attr( 'height' ) || $element.height() ), width = parseFloat( $element.attr( 'data-init-width' ) ) || parseFloat( $element.attr( 'width' ) || $element.width() ); /** * If we cant get the size try to make the parent visible until we get img props */ if ( ! ( height && width ) ) { $parent.css( {display: 'block', visibility: 'hidden'} ); height = $element.height(); width = $element.width(); $parent.css( {display: 'none', visibility: ''} ); } img_size = { "originalWidth": width, "width": width, "originalHeight": height, "height": height }; if ( img_size.originalWidth > windowWidth * resizeScale || img_size.originalHeight > windowHeight * resizeScale ) { var widthPercent = img_size.originalWidth / windowWidth, heightPercent = img_size.originalHeight / windowHeight; img_size.width = ( ( widthPercent > heightPercent ) ? ( windowWidth * resizeScale ) : ( windowHeight * resizeScale * ( img_size.originalWidth / img_size.originalHeight ) ) ); img_size.height = ( ( widthPercent > heightPercent ) ? ( windowWidth * resizeScale * ( img_size.originalHeight / img_size.originalWidth ) ) : ( windowHeight * resizeScale ) ); img_size.width += 30; img_size.height += 30; } $ "tve-zoom-clone", img_size ); show_lightbox(); } ); /** * Firefox doesnt trigger load event for the clone when is open full size image */ if ( TCB_Front.browser.mozilla && ( sameImage || typeof sameImage === 'undefined' ) ) { $clone.trigger( 'load' ); } else if ( imageSrc.includes( '' ) ) { /** * Optimole w/ lazy-load will actually trigger loading of this image URL earlier. * Image is already loaded at this point. Just need to trigger the load event manually */ $clone.trigger( 'load' ); } else { /** * Finally, some failsafe mechanism, trigger the load event with a delay. There have been cases reported where it does not "always" work. */ setTimeout( function () { $clone.trigger( 'load' ); }, 500 ); } } else { show_lightbox(); } function show_lightbox() { if ( $lightbox.length ) { $; } else { $lightbox = jQuery( "
" + TCB_Front.icons.get('cross') + "
" ) .appendTo( 'body' ); $overlay = jQuery( "
" ).hide() .appendTo( 'body' ); var tve_close_lb = function () { $lightbox.hide(); $overlay.hide(); }; /* set listeners for closing the lightbox */ jQuery( document ).on( "click", ".tve_close_lb", tve_close_lb ); jQuery( document ).on( "click", "#tve_zoom_overlay", tve_close_lb ); jQuery( document ).on( "keyup", function ( e ) { if ( e.keyCode == 27 ) { tve_close_lb(); } } ); jQuery( window ).resize( function () { var _sizes = $ "data-sizes" ), windowWidth = window.innerWidth, windowHeight = window.innerHeight, resizeScale = windowWidth < 600 ? 0.8 : 0.9; if ( _sizes.originalWidth > windowWidth * resizeScale || _sizes.originalHeight > windowHeight * resizeScale ) { var widthPercent = _sizes.originalWidth / windowWidth, heightPercent = _sizes.originalHeight / windowHeight; _sizes.width = ( ( widthPercent > heightPercent ) ? ( windowWidth * resizeScale ) : ( windowHeight * resizeScale * ( _sizes.originalWidth / _sizes.originalHeight ) ) ); _sizes.height = ( ( widthPercent > heightPercent ) ? ( windowWidth * resizeScale * ( _sizes.originalHeight / _sizes.originalWidth ) ) : ( windowHeight * resizeScale ) ); } $lightbox.width( _sizes.width ); $lightbox.css( "margin-left", - ( _sizes.width + 30 ) / 2 ); $lightbox.css( "margin-top", - ( _sizes.height + 30 ) / 2 ); } ); } $ "data-sizes", img_size ); jQuery( "#tve_zoom_image_content" ).html( "
" ); $lightbox.css( { left: offset.left + target_w / 2, top: + target_h / 2, marginLeft: 0, marginTop: 0, width: 0, opacity: 0 } ).animate( { opacity: 1, left: '50%', top: '50%', marginLeft: - ( img_size.width + 30 ) / 2, marginTop: - ( img_size.height + 30 ) / 2, width: img_size.width }, 150 ); $overlay.fadeIn( 150 ); } return false;}